Drugstore everyday eye look | blogmas day 8

Today i went into university to sit the second to last test before christmas followed by house viewings for where we are going to live next year, I’m going to be living in a group of all boys.  From my palette i made of all MUA shadows I used the middle shade on the top row a matte dark cream shade, they have changed the colour naming system from numbers to words since i bought this. These shadows are great quality for only £1 each. I used this as a base shade all over the eyelid.
  Then i used the trusty I need to wash my brushes eyeshadow stick from barry M in gold, again I love this but used to have the black one which was awful so maybe a hit and miss with the different colours.  Hello acne scars on my cheeks and terribly done eyebrows, this picture was taken at the end of wearing this all day so it shows how the shadow has stayed in place. I don’t cover my whole lid in the gold i just take it above the lash line and the inner corners for a pop of brightness, this makes it look like I got three more hours of sleep than i did in reality.

Another terrible picture of my face….

And another more zoomed in….

The eyeliner used was maybelline master graphic and the mascara is rimmel lash accelerator endless.


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